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  • Osteopathy
    What should I wear? It’s important that you feel comfortable, so wear a loose shirt or T/shirt, and shorts, or bring loose clothes with you to change into at the appointment (for women a sports bra is appropriate). However, often you will be asked to remove some clothing for treatment. What happens at my first consultation? It is a bespoke treatment begins with a detailed history, postural analysis, active and passive examination, orthopaedic tests, etc. Finishing with a designed treatment plan for the presented issue. Do I have to remove my clothes? Depending on the area of your body requiring treatment, your osteopath may ask you to undress to your underwear. We suggest you wear modest underwear or gym wear, so you are comfortable. If you are asked to remove outer clothes, you should be offered a gown or covered with a towel during the treatment. How many appointments will I need? This depends on your condition. Long term or chronic conditions may require more clinical management than acute or short term conditions. Your osteopath will discuss this with you, based on your individual needs. In general, you may feel some change within 2-3 treatments. How much does an appointment cost? A first appointment cost £52/45min. Following appointments cost £50/30-45min.
  • Bowen Technique
    Many people are unsure what to expect when then first try Bowen therapy… here are some of my most frequently asked questions: Is Bowen therapy safe? With no force or manipulation, Bowen therapy is safe for all. In fact, the very gentle touch makes it suitable for babies, the elderly, even people with acute injuries. How many treatments do I need? – as everybody is different, there is no definitive number of sessions. – on average, most people see results within three weekly sessions, while chronic problems may take longer – many people benefit from maintenance sessions after the problem is resolved, to keep their body in great shape and prevent the problem from returning. The time between maintenance sessions varies from person to person. How long is a treatment? – the first session may take up to 1 hour, as additional time is taken to understand your situation, take a detailed history and conduct assessments. – subsequent treatments take up to an 50 minutes. What should I wear? Bowen therapy can be done directly on the skin (with towels) or through light clothing. – if you choose to be treated directly on the skin, modest sports underwear is recommended. – if you choose to be treated in light clothing, please ensure clothing is loose and/or stretchy – jeans or tight/slippery clothing result in much less effective treatment. How much it cost? Initial: £55/60 min. Follow-up: £49/45 min. General: In order to obtain maximum benefit from your therapy, we do not recommend that you mix Bowen with other therapies as this could cause an adverse reaction or undermine the efficacy of the Bowen. For this reason, it is recommended that you do not undertake any other form of therapy either 7 days before, or 7 days after a Bowen Treatment. As Bowen also works on an emotional level, please be aware that you may have an emotional response to this treatment - it is nothing to worry about and is quite normal. Contra-indications: A contra-indication is when your medical history, such as surgery, pregnancy or another condition indicates that it is not appropriate to use a particular Bowen procedure during treatment, or in some cases, to proceed at all. In these circumstances, your therapist will advise you, and for this reason, it is important for you to be open and honest with us regarding your health.
  • Dry Needling
    How is DN Different from Acupuncture? DN is a treatment that uses acupuncture needles, but that is where the similarity to acupuncture ends. Acupuncture is a more superficial treatment that is based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine focus of restoring energy or “Qi” to the body. It is thought that there are blockages that can be opened by properly placing needles along energy channels called meridians. Trigger Point Dry Needling directly treats the neuromuscular system affecting muscle tightness, joint mobility, and symptoms of pain and irritation. It is thought that if you adequately release the muscle, the tissues are then allowed to assume normal function with improved neurological conduction and blood flow. Is There Any Special Advice to Follow After a DN Treatment? – Stay hydrated: drink lots of water – Light physical activity only for the rest of the day (stretching is great!) – Ice or heat may be applied following a treatment for patient comfort – Muscle soreness is common and can be expected for 1-2 days following needling (it may feel like your muscles have done a workout) – Avoid deep tissue massage as it will likely be uncomfortable – Contact your healthcare practitioner if you have any questions or concerns What Does It Feel Like? People experience different sensations with DN. Most people only feel minimal discomfort as the needles are inserted. Patients often feel a significant cramping sensation from the twitch response, but then feel an immediate improvement in their symptoms. How Do Myofascial Trigger Points Develop? Trigger points develop in the muscle as a result of various stresses, such as postural, repetitive motion, hormones, psychological, and/or emotional stresses. Trigger points are more likely to develop in tissue whose associated nerves are compromised by factors such as mechanical compression of the nerve, disc dysfunction, facet joint dysfunction, vascular compression, metabolic stress, biomechanical stress, postural stress, etc. How long is a treatment? Up to 5-30 minutes depending on conditions. How much is a session ? Additional £3 to every treatment.
  • Medicinal Leech Therapy (MLT)
    What are the risks of Medicinal Leech Therapy? There is a small risk of infection from the leech due, they contain bacteria in their gut that helps them digest blood. But more possible is an infection due to lack of post-treatment hygiene and not following aftercare rules. Also, an allergic reaction to the leech secretions can occur - very rarely noticed. Does it hurt? Not really - but some people feel some pinching, itching sensation for first 1-5 minutes. How long does treatment take? Treatment time is variable, but generally takes 60-90 minutes. How long will I bleed? Generally, it is slowly bleeding last 4-12 hours. Are the leeches used only one? And are they safe? Yes. Our medicinal leeches are cultivated under special controlled conditions at a biological laboratory "BIO-GEN", entirely under sterile laboratory conditions. That makes our animals completely safe - they can be safely used for medical purposes. How many treatments should I have? You should feel difference after 1-2 treatments. But maximum is 5 to 7 treatments, at intervals of 4 - 7 days, followed by 3 months break. Effects depending on the severity of the disease, the health of the patient and the type of ailments. It is important that the high concentration of leech-substances is maintained in the bloodstream. What determines the leech treatment effective? The effect depends on the severity of lesions, patient's cooperation, a frequency of treatments, following aftercare rules. Is the treatment done in the clinic? No, at the moment service is mobile- home visits, for few two reasons: comfort and time (which vary 30-90minutes). What is the cost of MLT? The cost is £90 per treatment, plus the price of leeches (approximately £11 each).
  • Pregnancy & Post-natal Therapy
    What is it? Pregnancy & Post-natal Therapy is something more than Pregnancy Massage can relieve pain and discomfort much quicker that just pregnancy massage. ​ What that include? Treatment include osteopathy, pregnancy massage, pregnancy reflexology, osteopathic joint mobilisation, Dorn Method, kinesiotaping, and Bowen therapy. Is it safe? Pregnancy & Post-natal Therapy is generally considered safe after the first trimester, as long as get the green light from you practitioner and you let your massage therapist know you’re pregnant. But you’ll want to avoid massage during the first three months of pregnancy as it may trigger dizziness and add to morning sickness. Does my abdomen get massaged? We do not massage the abdomen during pregnancy, unless it is requested. Which oil will be used during massage? Grape seed oil is one of the best oils to use during pregnancy, as it’s perfect for massage and yet doesn’t leave greasy or sticky residue. How soon can I come back after the baby is born? If it was a healthy pregnancy and delivery without any major complication, a massage can safely be given as soon as you feel ready. However, if you have a caesarean-section you will usually need to wait at least 6 weeks for the scar tissue to heal. How much it cost? Treatment cost £52/45min.
  • Sports Massage
    Is Sports Massage only for athletes? Sports massage isn't just for athletes. It can revitalise the muscles and ligaments of every one of us. Today, most of our work is sedentary and desk orientated, which brings a lot of postural problems and changes. Think what stress is placed on the body when eight hours a day spent at a laptop is followed by one hour of high-intensity exercise. So soft tissue work isn’t just for Olympic athletes. Taking care of your body might help you reach optimal performance, even if your 'high-performance sport’ is the occupation or desk job you choose to do. Benefits of Sports massage therapy. Here are some of the exciting benefits of Sports Massage: enhanced athletic performance, accelerated workout recovery, reduced risk of injuries and faster recovery from them, improved flexibility and range of motion, elimination of lactic acid build-up, prolonged athletic career, stress reduction, and overall better maintenance of the body. In our sports massage sessions, we integrate techniques such as Kinesio-taping, medical acupuncture, IASTM tool application, and Voodoo Floss Bands to optimise results. Will one single Sports Massage “fix” my problems? Sometimes yes. If you have a tight painful neck and shoulder complex, you can expect to come away from a Sports Massage experiencing a lot of relief, at least for a while. But it probably took you months or years to get that way. It’s not reasonable to expect permanent relief from an hour session of Sports Massage. The effects of Sports Massage are very much like the effects of athletic training. Your first bike ride won’t turn you into a Tour de France Champion, but a consistent training program will turn you into a competitive cyclist. So it is with Sports Massage. Consistent Sports Massage can offer very positive results to chronic issues and painful conditions. The therapists at LA Sports Massage are experienced with the issues seen in modern sports and athletics. We will be able to assess your issues and help you design a program to help you overcome them in the shortest possible time. How often should I get a Sports Massage? That depends on several factors such as training volume and intensity, whether you have chronic pain or acute injury, and other factors. For some athletes, a weekly massage gives huge results. Other athletes only get an occasional Sports Massage if they’re in pain. The best way to reduce the effects of hard training is with regular Sports Massage. We suggest you try a series of Sports Massages to see how you feel when the positive effects accumulate. Then you’ll be able to decide how regularly you need a Sports Massage. However, it is a fact that even getting massaged once a month regularly has long-lasting positive impact. ​ Will Sports Massage help my injury? Yes. Sports massage is proven to reduce recovery time, sometimes dramatically, by shortening the time it takes for injuries to heal, and makes the after effects “better”. Sports Massage reduces the swelling and oedema associated with soft tissue injuries. After a serious injury, Sports Massage helps form strong pliable scar tissue instead of the usual random stiff scar tissue, so that range of motion and tissue extensibility are maintained. A short list of benefits are: - Shortens the time it takes for an injury to heal. - Helps to reduce swelling and oedema. - Helps to form soft, pliable scar tissue. - Maintains or increases a range of motion. - Eliminates splinting in associated muscle tissue. - Locates and deactivates “trigger points” that form as a result of the original trauma. - Helps get the athlete back into training sooner with less chance of re-injury. How much is a session? Single sessions cost £52/45min, £50/30min. What should I wear? The best is sports underwear (male and female), shorts.
  • Kinesio-taping
    Where did the word Kinesio come from? The name comes from the science of Kinesiology because the taping method and tape allow the body and muscles to move while it assists in rehabilitation. What do Kinesiotaping and tape do? Kinesio-taping Method is applied over muscles to reduce pain & inflammation, relax overused tired muscles, and to support muscles in movement on a 24hr/day basis. It is not a restrictive type of taping and allows for full range of motion. In contrast, traditional sports taping is wrapped around a joint strictly for stabilization and support during a sporting event. Kinesiotape is used for a wide range of problems. Examples include carpal tunnel syndrome, lower back strain/pain, subluxations, herniated disc, knee conditions, shoulder conditions, sports injuries, etc. Why is Kinesiotape used so much more accepted than other tapes? It has a number of benefits that are not achievable with other tapes. It has One Hundred Percent High-Grade Cotton – for comfort and breathing, One Hundred and Forty Per Cent Elastic – same flexibility as human skin, Heat Activated Adhesive – although very light, mild and hypo-allergenic Latex Free, Air Circulation Waves – to channel out sweat and water and enhance skin breathing, Durable – average usage 3-4 days per application, More Economical – usually 6-7 applications per roll of tape. Is it the tape or the technique that gives such great results? Without a doubt, the technique is the most unique, however, the full benefits were not possible until Kinesio® tape was developed. The taping method requires a tape that is patient and skin friendly, possesses optimum elastic qualities, the same thickness as the skin, and is durable enough to stay on multiple days even through perspiration, sweat, and showers. ​ How is the tape applied? Without getting too technical, the tape is applied over the affected area with the muscles in a stretched position. Then the tape is applied from one end of the muscle to the other with a very little stretch of the tape. The tape is applied from the ORIGIN to INSERTION of the muscle for SUPPORT and from INSERTION to ORIGIN for muscle relaxation. How long should I keep tape? Maximum up to 5 days, have 2 days rest and then tape can be applied again. How much is a session? Additional £3

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